Selena Gomez Unedited Outtake Photos

Selena Gomez sexy

The unedited Selena Gomez outtakes below from a recent photo shoot have just been released to the Web.


Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Selena Gomez

As you can see from these photos, without the benefits of airbrushing Selena’s once famously youthful face looks weathered and haggard, as her years of working the Tijuana donkey show circuit have really taken their toll. Besides that Selena claims to have the completely made-up illness of “Lupus”, which is of course the Hollywood PR rep way of saying that she did too much coke and fried her kidneys.

Yes Selena Gomez is certainly looking worse for wear, and if you add in the fact that she is a Mexican woman (who traditionally age at 5 times the rate of a normal human) it is clear that Selena isn’t long for this earth. What a shame it is watching her deteriorate slowly like this when she deserves to be rapidly wiped out from a barrage of holy Muslim stones.

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