Selena Gomez Shows Justin Bieber’s Family Her Nipple

January Jones lingerie

As if meeting your girlfriend’s family wasn’t hard enough, teen lesbian Selena Gomez decided to complicate the situation further by wearing a see through shirt and no bra. As you can see in the picture above Selena Gomez was in Canada to meet Justin Bieber’s family and she is clearly showing nipple.

I understand the need for a family to inspect the sex organs of a potential daughter-in-law, to make sure they are functioning properly before allowing a marriage. However, I do not see the point in doing so when it is a homoqueer relationship of two women like Selena and Justin.

It is not like they could ever conceive a child, and are not going to be righteously smited by Allah any day now for their sick degenerate sexual preference. Really I do not see the point.

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