Selena Gomez Bikini Vacation Pics

Selena Gomez bikini

Private photos of Selena Gomez in a bikini while on a sinful lesboqueer vacation have made their way on to social media.

As you can see in the pics below, Selena was having the time of her life as she prostituted her frumpy Mexican body in a bikini while lesbodyking in the tropics with a group of her best girlfriends. Unfortunately for Selena she had to cut her trip short and return to the States for medical treatment, when after a particularly vigorous session of clam munching her jaw got locked open and her tongue got stuck hanging out.

Doctors were able to get Selena’s mouth closed, but she is under strict instructions to avoid lady pearl polishing and to just stick to fisting, scissoring, and double-sided dildoing for the next three months. No doubt it is going to be the longest three months of Selena Gomez’s hopelessly depraved life.


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