Selena Gomez Nude Comeback From Rehab

Selena Gomez nude

Selena Gomez has been out of the spotlight for a while now, as she has spent the last few months holed up in a rehab facility in Tennessee. However, last night Selena reemerged to steal the show at the American Music Awards by giving a reflective acceptance speech about the importance of self-love which really struck a cord with many of the other vapid megalomaniac celebrities in attendance.

As you can see in the photos above and below, the new awakened Selena Gomez is much like the old Selena Gomez as she still prostitutes her nude body, only now she does so because she genuinely enjoys being a degenerate whore and not because she is seeking validation from others.

Selena Gomez nude

Of course that distinction is only significant to Selena, for in the eyes of Allah and the Sharia courts the exposing of her nude female flesh is an egregious sin no matter what the motivation. Perhaps Selena will spend the rest of eternity burning in the hellfire after her lapidation ruminating over this fact.

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