Sarah Hyland Shows Her Breasts

Sarah Hyland breasts

“Modern Family” star Sarah Hyland appears to show her breasts in the topless photo above.

I suppose we are supposed to believe that it is just a coincidence that the new season of “Modern Family” premieres tonight, and this topless photo of Sarah Hyland (and the slutty one of “Modern Family” co-star Ariel Winter which we posted earlier today) is released online.

However, us Muslims are not that naive, for the spirit of the blessed Prophet has shown us the trust which is that Sarah Hyland showing her titties in this photo is part of a new marketing scheme by the degenerate Zionists at ABC to drum up ratings. No doubt tomorrow a photo of Ellen Pompeo spreading her ass checks will coincidentally also make its way online just in time for the start of ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy”, to followed on Sunday by “Once Upon A Day” star Jennifer Morrison “accidentally” showing off her c*nt.

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