Salma Hayek’s Amazing MILF Body In A Bikini

Salma Hayek bikini

Salma Hayek shows off her amazing MILF (Mother I’d Like to Flog) body in a bikini after washing up on the shore of the Rio Grande in the candid photos below.

There is certainly no denying that Salma Hayek’s body is impressive considering that normally Mexican women age faster than dogs, and so after 48 human years Salma is actually 296 in female Mexican years. Of course even though Salma’s body is not a complete abomination covered in shank scars, stretch marks, and refried bean stains, she is still not something anyone would want to see floating ashore in their country

Future US President Donald Trump would be wise to seize upon these Salma Hayek bikini photos for his campaign. For if the sight of this pudgy old slut coming onto US soil with her hand out hoping to get a towel and to go on welfare doesn’t get the American public behind his plan to nuke Mexico… nothing will.


Salma Hayek Salma Hayek Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek Salma Hayek Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek Salma Hayek Salma Hayek

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