Rihanna’s Long Lost Twin Sister Found

Rihanna twin sister

Pop superstar Rihanna’s long lost twin sister has been found… on Twitter!

As you can see in the photo above, a woman by the name of Lorraine Star describes herself as a “Bad b*tch” and “Rihanna Look-a-Like”. However, after careful analysis of Lorraine’s photo, scientists at Celeb Jihad labs in Tehran have determined that there is no conceivable way for 2 women to look this much alike without being identical twins.

This conclusive study done by the best Muslim scientists leaves little doubt that Rihanna and Lorraine are twin sisters who were separated at birth. Hopefully these 2 lovely ladies will be reunited soon so that they can engage in sisterly pursuits like “stuntin on dem niggas until da money make dem cum“.

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