Rihanna’s Boobs In “Needed Me” Music Video

Rihanna boobs

Rihanna walks around with her primitive titties hanging out in her new nudity packed music video for her single “Needed Me”.

This is certainly the most honest and true to character music video Rihanna has made yet. For it is perfectly natural for a savage slut like her to roam around with a gun and her black boobs on full display. In fact, the only thing that is missing from this video to make it even more authentic would be for Rihanna to be in some Sub-Saharan war zone with a chicken bone stuck through her nose and a couple of fly ridden niglets trying to suckle at her teats.

Thankfully the video above saves our ears a considerable amount of abuse, as it does not contain any of Rihanna’s primal squawking which passes as “music” in the infidel West. Unfortunately our eyes are made to suffer as this video features all of Rihanna’s onscreen nudity… And if that wasn’t bad enough the ocular assault continues with a couple of topless promotional pics and screen shots in the photos below.


Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna
Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna

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