Rachel McAdams Gets Her Tits Milked

Rachel McAdams tits

Academy Award nominated actress Rachel McAdams gets her tits milked in the controversial recently released photo above.

This Rachel McAdams breastfeeding photo further illustrates that heathen Hollywood is a limitless cesspool of sickening depravity. Not to mention that one does not squeeze water from a rock, so why waste the time milking Rachel’s tiny teats when she could hardly produce enough nourishment for one scrawny infidel baby let alone an entire litter.

Of course if Rachel had bulbous breasts like in the photos above, us Muslims would be the first ones underneath of her in the barn roughly squeezing those udders until they were bone dry. But Rachel and her itty bitty boobies can only ever dream of such an amazing experience.

Yes, Rachel McAdams should stick to acting and leave the milking to qualified female livestock… Although after seeing her compilation of nude scenes in the video above, it would be best if Rachel quit acting as well, and picked up suicide vesting instead.

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