Rachel Bilson Gets On Her Knees In A Bikini

Rachel Bilson

Rachel Bilson continued her attempts at trying to seduce me and procure my pure Islamic seed. This time Rachel is using pictures of herself on her knees performing manual labor while wearing a tiny string bikini.

I have to say I applaud her for the effort in these pics. Rachel Bilson certainly did her homework because if there is one feminine attribute I like the most it is definitely subservience.

However, once again Rachel Bilson has failed to take into account my disdain for sluttery by showing me her nearly naked body instead of covering up with a nice burqa. The Qur’an is very clear that the female body is a shameful thing and should be kept hidden away at all times.

Rachel Bilson certainly shows a lack of humility by brazenly wearing a bikini in these pictures. You would think a woman with such a lack of body and facial hair would be more humble, but of course the Western aesthetic is all backwards.

Western infidels enjoy these pictures of Rachel Bilson prostituting herself in a tiny bikini to gain my attention because I certainly did not.


Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
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