Paris Hilton Topless Nude Sunbathing

Paris Hilton topless nude

For this week’s “Throwback Thursday” we take a look back at the original social media and reality TV star, Paris Hilton’s topless nude sunbathing photos below.


Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Paris Hilton

It is certainly fitting that we are rehashing these pics on the 4th of July, as Paris Hilton embodies the American spirit for depraved exploration… For not only did she personally discover numerous new strains of venereal disease, but she basically single-handedly launched the entire thot industry which has spawned such important innovations as private Snapchats and Patreon accounts.

Of course it would be remiss to do a post about Paris and not include the (in)famous sex tape video above of her sucking dick… Which she is surprisingly terrible at… I guess it just goes to show practice does not always make perfect.

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