Selena Gomez Wants To Be A Slut Like Miley Cyrus

Selena Gomez

Well this is not surprising. In a recent interview with “Hollywood Life”, Disney whore Selena Gomez basically said that she wants to be a slut just like Miley Cyrus.

Selena Gomez was quoted as saying,

“I really don’t like it when people say I’m wholesome. I don’t like that at all! I never said I was that and I never tried to portray it.”

Wow could she be more adamant that she is not a proper lady and in fact a diseased ridden whore? OK Selena Gomez we believe you that you are a slut, take it easy.

Selena continued,

“I’m honestly doing what I feel like I’m doing…and I’d just like to figure out who I am.”

If that isn’t classic whorespeak I don’t know what is. Selena says she is only doing what she “feels” like doing. Everyone knows that a woman’s feelings are completely immoral and must be repressed at all cost. Usually a nice circumcision of the clit can curb some of her impure desires. If Selena Gomez is doing what she “feels” I can only imagine that it involves servicing random men/women in porn shop bathrooms.

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