Miley Cyrus Takes One Step Closer To Showing It All

Miley Cyrus spread eagle

As you can see in the photos below, Miley Cyrus has taken one step closer to showing it all by spreading eagle on stage in even thinner latex panties than usual while performing in Sydney, Australia on her Bangerz tour.

Clearly it is just a matter of time before Miley Cyrus lowers the bar even more and begins showing her shaved pussy and bleached asshole during her shows, for Miley is an innovator and always at the forefront of degeneracy in Western popular culture.

It is simply inevitable that infidel pop music will eventually degrade into outright pornography. Already the lyrical content of most top pop songs reads like the screenplay to a particularly crass low budget snuff film. However, instead of condemning Miley Cyrus us pious Muslims applaud her for being honest about what a pop star is and what they are used for (as she embraces being a whore who sells sex to the base unwashed masses), and look forward to her accelerating the decline of the West with her whorish antics.


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