Miley Cyrus Smoking In A Bikini Drowns A Dog

Miley Cyrus bikini

Actress, singer, and devout Muslim Miley Cyrus was photographed in a bikini smoking a cigarette before drowning a puppy in a lake. Miley Cyrus has long been known for her powerful performance art mocking the degenerate nature of Western culture, and this may be her greatest work yet.

Notice how Miley Cyrus perfectly captures the appearance of a typical infidel whore by wearing a tight bikini showcasing vaginal lips, while seductively sucking on a cigarette. Now as the character of a Western whore Miley Cyrus takes a dog, which obviously symbolizes Muslim purity and innocence, and gleefully drowns him in a lake.

This powerful statement by Miley Cyrus will obviously not go unnoticed by the Muslim world. Through the use of performance art Miley Cyrus has once again provided creative expression for the Jihad against the degenerate West. Allah be praised for these Miley Cyrus bikini pictures.


Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus

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