Miley Cyrus Proudly Shows Her Gap

Miley Cyrus gap

Miley Cyrus shocked the infidel world with her performance at the MTV VMA’s this weekend. However, perhaps the most unsettling thing for the heathen masses was Miley’s enormous ass gap pictured above.

As you can see, Miley Cyrus has clearly been righteously sexed by a Muslim man, as his enormous manhood has permanently disfigured her crotchal region.

Understandably Miley is very proud of her oversized ass gap, and of now having to walk bow-legged like a proper Muslim woman. Of course the infidels can not appreciate this tremendous honor, and have resorted to making crude gifs (see below) mocking Miley’s stretched out pussy gorge.

Miley Cyrus gap gif

Miley Cyrus gap gif

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