Miley Cyrus Perfects New Praying Style

Miley Cyrus praying

Miley Cyrus is nothing if not an innovator, as she is always pushing the envelop and raising the standard for what it means to be a pious Muslimina.

It is hard to believe that it has been just 3 and a half years since we first discovered that Miley Cyrus was a Muslim. Since that time we’ve watched as Miley has grown ever more devout and committed to the Jihad, as she hastens the downfall of the Western world by promoting unimagined amounts of depravity.

Now Miley Cyrus has once again demonstrated her unwavering love for Islam, by using her immense creative talents to invent a new praying style. As you can see in the GIF above, Miley Cyrus’ praying style is without question the most pious and aesthetically pleasing.

No doubt this method of praying will soon be all the rage in every mosque from Tehran to Tikrit. I myself have already begun practicing these movements, and plan to debut them at evening prayer tonight.

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