Miley Cyrus Dressed As Lil Kim For Halloween

Miley Cyrus Lil Kim

As you can see in the photos below, Miley Cyrus dressed up as rapper Lil Kim from the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards for Halloween this year.

Not only is Miley Cyrus’ Lil Kim costume absolutely terrifying, but yet again Miley has provided us with a brilliant piece of social commentary on the depraved nature of the infidel West.

To think that it has been just 14 years since the she-boon Lil Kim affronted our senses with this slutty display. How quickly the West has degenerated in that time, as now a “musician” wearing this outfit would not get a second look.

Clearly with this Halloween costume Miley Cyrus is pointing out that the West’s cultural decline is accelerating, and that the morally superior Islamic Middle East will soon reign supreme.


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