Miley Cyrus perfectly lampoons degenerate American culture in these 33 epic photos from the opening date of her “Bangerz” tour.
There is of course plenty of political commentary in Miley’s performance, as she starts the show by twerking her ass on a midget dressed as the Liberty Bell, and then simulates fellatio on a black guy dressed in a Bill Clinton costume.
If that wasn’t enough, Miley Cyrus further digs into the heart of American life by suggestively ridding a giant hot dog. For her pièce de résistance Miley completely obliterates the USA’s beloved hip-hop “culture” by sticking her ass out and then masturbating on top of its most sacred symbol, a crappy Chevy on giant rims.
Of course all these brilliant analogies went right over the heads of the infidels in attendance, but perhaps that is the most genius part of Miley Cyrus’ show… in the end the audience stands exposed as the most depraved thing of all.
33 Epic Miley Cyrus Pics From Her ‘Bangerz’ Tour was last modified: February 17th, 2014 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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