Miley Cyrus’ Steamy Ass Vacation Pics With Her New Lover

Miley Cyrus sexy

After getting divorced from her husband Liam Hemsworth and then unceremoniously dumped by her rebound lesbian girlfriend Kaitlynn Carter, Miley Cyrus takes some time to “find herself” by parading around her tight white trash ass in a thong bikini at an exclusive 5-star resort in the vacation photos above and below.

Miley Cyrus ass

Of course a wanton Jezebel like Miley can never be fully alone, as the horrors she suffered at the greedy little hands of hooked nose Jews on Disney Channel casting couches continue to haunt her in her quiet moments…

That is why it is no surprise to see Miley’s new lover just off in the distance across the pool in the video clip above… Behind the whore in the black bikini.

Miley Cyrus nipple

Yes, as you can see from Miley’s erect nipple and the depressed look in this dog’s eyes, self-described “pansexual” (a person who is sexually attracted to men, women, animals, vegetables, and minerals) Miley appears to have started a new relationship with yet another mangy mutt bitch.

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