Miley Cyrus Miami Pool Bikini Pics

Miley Cyrus bikini

After thoroughly examining and then reexamining the bikini pics below of Miley Cyrus at a pool in Miami, I have determined that (as a good Muslim) Miley was carrying out a Jihadist attack on the infidels.

As you can see in these pics, Miley Cyrus is a master of disguise and blended in perfectly with the infidel pool-goers in her slutty skimpy bikini. No suspicions were raised as Miley carried out her mission of urinating in the pool, coating the unsuspecting kuffars in her pious Muslim piss.

By dressing in a bikini Miley Cyrus was able to go unnoticed as she peed all over the infidels. Truly this was a brilliant strategic ploy which lead to yet another great victory for Islam over the heathen US of A.


Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus
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