Miley Cyrus Fan: “Get Back on Twitter Or I’ll Eat My Cat”

Miley Cyrus cat

One of Miley Cyrus’ awesome fans has released an ultimatum to the singer. Get back on Twitter or she will eat her cat. The fan claims to live in a country were this is a perfectly legal thing to do. My guess is she is in Canada. She even setup a website for people to follow the whole charade… I mean drama.

Here is her statement to Miley,

“Like many others, I became addicted to Miley Cyrus’ Tweeting. Catching up with her daily chores and what she has in mind have become part of my daily routine…The other day I asked myself: ‘What can I do to bring Miley back to Twitter?’ Fan video? Petitions? Letters? That never works. Heck, Miley even made her own video about never wanting to use Twitter again. Then I looked at my cat, Fuzzy and I realized, maybe Fuzzy can help. Fuzzy can make the ultimate sacrifice for this cause. It was very difficult for me, you see, as I sincerely love Fuzzy. But my mind is made up. I could always get another cat, but nothing can replace Miley’s tweets for me!”

The fan has set up a November 16 deadline for Cyrus to start tweeting again. I’ve watched enough movies to know you don’t negotiate with terrorists. The only option Miley has right now is to one up the girl by killing and eating a dog. Terrorists only understand bold moves like that.

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