Busty British babes Lucy Pinder and Sophie Howard bare their bulbous boobies on a nude beach while on holiday in the candid photos below.
Of course us powerful Muslims are use to seeing two (or more) big breasted beauties laying in the sand, for that is what we wake up to every morning in our harems. The big difference between that and these photos is that our concubines don’t stink like fish (which has nothing to do with Lucy and Sophie being by the ocean).
Yes it is just a shame that Lucy and Sophie didn’t take their mesmerizing mammaries to the Middle East when they were young, and before they became the banged out husks in these nude beach pics. For they could have led virtuous and fulfilling lives as concubines “playing tunic snake in tit valley” with us virile Muslim men.
Lucy Pinder And Sophie Howard Nude Beach Candids was last modified: July 29th, 2022 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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