Lucy Lawless “Spartacus” Nude Scene Color Corrected In HD

Lucy Lawless nude

The video clip below features Lucy Lawless’ nude scene from the hit Starz series “Spartacus” color corrected and in high definition.

Of course Lucy Lawless is best known for playing the lesbodyke feminist icon “Xena: Warrior Princess” back in the 1990’s. However, there is no denying that Lucy’s most important work was done in the “Spartacus” series, as she used her sloppy tits in nude sex scenes like the one below to expose the hopelessly depraved Roman roots on which barbaric Western civilization is based.

Yes any history buff will tell you that from the flamingly homoqueer butt blasting Greeks to the nearly equally degenerate Romans, the West’s heritage is nothing more than a series of sickening sex acts. Sure there was a respite during the so-called “Dark Ages” when backwards Europeans remarkably developed some moral fortitude, but that was not surprisingly short-lived as it gave way to the extreme faggotry of the “Renaissance”.

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