German Olympian and world champion freestyle skier Lisa Zimmermann poses nude for Playboy magazine in the photos below.
With degenerate Aryan whores like Lisa Zimmermann running around, our Muslim invader refugee brothers are going to have their purging work cut out for them when they establish the caliphate of Germanistan. Luckily for Lisa she enjoys the mountains, for she is going to be pelted with so many stones that she is going to be turned into one for this brazen display of nude sluttery.
There is no denying that the Winter Olympics are the most depraved of all the Olympics (followed closely by the Special Olympics for obvious reasons), for from the skin tight spandex suits of the skiers and speed skaters to the immodestly bedazzled tramp costumes of the figure skaters, each event is one greatly offensive sight after another.
To add insult to injury here is another nude pic of Lisa Zimmermann showing off her tight round Olympic ass while training.
Olympic Skier Lisa Zimmermann Nude For Playboy was last modified: July 22nd, 2022 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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