Lily James Nude Ass Retrospective

Lily James nude ass

Lets us take a moment and reflect upon actress Lily James’ bulbous British booty in the color-corrected video below from the film “The Exception”.

They should have called this movie “The Assception” because Lily’s lily white butt cheeks are exceptional in it (clearly our Muslim puns are in a league all of their own).

Lily James nude ass

Unfortunately Lily will probably not get the opportunity to put her powerful posterior to good use in service of us virile Muslim men, for yesterday the UK voted in an extremely racist anti-Muslim conservative government by a historically large margin…

And frankly I’m glad, for us Muslims don’t need their shitty little island anyway, as there are plenty of other European countries who are more than happy to have us suckling from their welfare teat in the name of diversity. Sadly the real victim in all of this is Lily, as she will now most likely not be able to get culturally enriched by having her sensational shit box stabbed by a massive meat scud.

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