Lena Headey Nude Sex Scene From “Game of Thrones”

Lena Headey shows her tits and ass in the nude sex scene in the video above (which he have brightened so that her depravity can be fully appreciated) from last night’s episode of the hit HBO series “Game of Thrones”.

In this scene Lena’s character Cersei Lannister engages in oral pleasures with her brother Jaime’s loins. While us Muslims certainly do not see anything wrong with a brother enjoying the fruits of his sister’s orifices, what we do find utterly repugnant is the fact that this Jaime guy would still do so when his sister is such an elderly shrew.

Surely Lena Headey’s character has daughters and even granddaughters that Jaime should be focusing his lustful urges upon. Besides Lena needs to tuck those saggy boobies away, and take up knitting before she trips over them cracks open her “Headey”. You better believe that if she tried whipping those dangling milk sacks out in front of a Muslim man he’d change her name to Lena Beheadey real quick.

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