Lady Gaga Nip Slip, Lip Slip, And Trashy Ass

Lady Gaga nip slip

Lady Gaga completes a whorific trifecta as she performs a nip slip and lip slip all while also prostituting her trashy ass in the photos below.


Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga

Even though Lady Gaga shows off a nipple that looks like a piece of chewed up bubblegum, her no doubt gonorrhea infected lady lip piss flaps, and her stinking bulbous booty in these photos she is still considered demure in the hopelessly depraved Western world.

For in the degenerate West a woman walking the streets displaying her disease riddled sex organs is a common occurrence. When us righteous Muslims finally take over the kuffars cursed lands we are going to have to be stoning from dusk till dawn to rid them of all the filthy gutter skanks like Lady Gaga. In preparation for this glorious purge let these photos serve as motivation to keep our stoning arms in good working order with plenty of stretching and some light lapidating every few days.

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