Kristen Stewart Lap Dance Video

Kristen Stewart lap dance

We have just obtained this exclusive security camera footage of Twilight actress Kristen Stewart trying to give an older man a lap dance.

Many have speculated how Kristen Stewart, a relatively unknown actress, was able to land the starring role in the Twilight movie saga. I think we just found the answer.

I believe this video to be from Kristen Stewart’s audition for the role of “Bella” in the Twilight movies, and she comes off as an even bigger whore than I would have thought.

Her foul mouth prattles on about how older guys make her wet as she sits with her legs spread eagle in front of the producer. When the producer tries to get a little role play going by hinting that she should pretend she is 15 years old, Kristen Stewart misinterprets him and thinks he is a cop.

They go off camera were I can only assume they work it out and Kristen gives him a blowjob. The rest as they say is movie history, but don’t take my word for it see for yourself in the video below.

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