Miss USA Kristen Dalton Disgraces Her Country

Kristen Dalton

Miss USA Kristen Dalton has disgraced herself and her country. She was photographed whoring herself out in a bikini at what appears to be an Italian villa, possibly the Emperor’s.

Even though I despise the USA with a passion and wish for its immediate and devastating destruction, I can not help but feel embarrassed for you Americans. I can not imagine how emasculating it must feel to have the woman who was chosen to represent your country prostitute herself to Italians likes this.

Italians are slimy smug people, who think just because they have powerful legions and advanced weapon technology like the chariot, they can go around degrading other country’s women. One day some country will rise up and say enough and knock that greasy Italian smirk right off their faces.

Until then enjoy these pictures of Miss USA Kristen Dalton being used as a slave by the Italian elite.


Kristen Dalton Kristen Dalton Kristen Dalton Kristen Dalton
Kristen Dalton Kristen Dalton Kristen Dalton Kristen Dalton

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