Kirsten Dunst’s Boobs And Bella Thorne’s Ass Standout At The Golden Globes

Kirsten Dunst Bella Thorne Golden Globes

Besides serving as a venue for celebrities to get their enormous egos stroked by receiving trophies for starring in shitty films and TV shows promoting whatever Zionist liberal social issue is in vogue at the moment (and being excellent high value targets for potential terror attacks *wink *wink), award shows provide an opportunity for has-been and aspiring A-list actresses to whore their bodies and gain the spotlight.

That is just what happened last night at the Golden Globes, as washed up actress Kirsten Dunst flaunted her bulbous milky white mammaries in an extremely low cut dress in the photos below.


Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst Kirsten Dunst

On the other side of the spectrum, soon to be A-list star Bella Thorne showed up at the Golden Globes (despite not being nominated for anything) to show off her tight round teen ass in a slutty sheer silver dress in the photos below.


Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Bella Thorne
Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Bella Thorne
Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Bella Thorne

Unfortunately for Kirsten Dunst seeing her saggy old maid milk sacks in this dress simply reminds us that she has not been desirable to us virile Muslim men since she starred in the film “Interview With The Vampire” back when she was 12. Bella on the other hand has shown that despite being in the twilight of her sexual prime at 18-years-old, she still may have a future serving as an anal only concubine in a Muslim’s harem.

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