Kendall Jenner Nude Topless Titties

Kendall Jenner topless

Upon seeing the screen cap above of Kendall Jenner “topless” my pious tunic snake immediately grew rock hard and began frothing at the mouth.

So imagine my disappointment when I viewed the full video above, and realized that Kendall was not floating in a pool of her own blood after having been decapitated, but rather that she was simply leaning her head back and that the topless aspect referred to her flaunting her naked pencil eraser nipples. Needless to say my meat scud immediately went limp and retreated upside my pelvic cavity in righteous indignation, and it hasn’t been seen since.

Kendall Jenner thong ass

For there are few things worse then the gut-wrenching disappointment after being misled about the demise of a Kardashian/Jenner she-whore like Kendall. Of course I shouldn’t have got my hopes up after being duped once before with the photo above captioned “Kendall Jenner puts her ass to good use in a field”…

When as you can see from the video above, there is not a plow in sight and Kendall is simply standing around with her butt flaps hanging out of a skimpy slutsuit.

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