Kelly Brook & Riley Steele Nude In “Piranha 3D” Remastered In 4K

Kelly Brook Riley Steele nude

The video below features Kelly Brook and Riley Steele’s iconic nude underwater scenes from the film “Piranha 3D” remastered and enhanced in ultra high definition.

There is no denying that “Piranha 3D” was a terrifying film… For the thought that in any body of water in the heathen West there could be naked women blasphemously lesbodyking deep in the murky depths certainly chills us pious Muslim men to the core.

Especially if they are banged out whores like Kelly Brook and Riley Steele… For the run-off from their oozing sex organs could pollute even the largest of the great lakes, leaving all the aquatic life infected with a militant strain of gonorrhea.

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