Kelly Brook Fat Titties And Fat Everything Else In A Bikini

Kelly Brook bikini

Washed-up model Kelly Brook shows off her fat titties along with her fat everything else in the bikini pictures below.

Clearly Kelly Brook has packed on a few pounds which can only mean one of two things; either she expects a long cold winter, or she is trying to get knocked up by a black guy.

Since Kelly is certainly no meteorologist it is safe to assume that she is now an aspiring mudshark, and that these bikini pics are the first steps towards living the “American Dream” of going on welfare while being a single mother to a mongrel child.

On a positive note, in 5 years I’ll be able to reuse this article by running a search and replace on the words “Kelly Brook” for “Kate Upton”.


Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
Kelly Brook Kelly Brook Kelly Brook
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