Katy Perry Mocks Christianity In Concert

Katy Perry Christianity

As we reported last week, pop star Katy Perry has converted to Islam. As if further proof was needed that Katy Perry is now a devout Muslim, she took to the stage in the UK hilariously mocking Christianity by flailing about with a giant cross on her crotch.

As you can see in the photos below, Katy Perry holds nothing back as she humorously mocks the false Jew god Jesus by thrusting her cross covered genitals and putting her leg by her head.

Of course Christians are far too sensitive when it comes to people mocking their religion, and will almost certainly lash out with angry letters and possibly an organized boycott of Katy Perry’s work. It is just a shame that they can not be more like us Muslims who can take a good-natured ribbing as well as dish one out… with our AK-47s.


Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry
Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry
Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry
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