Nina Dobrev Dykes Out In A Thong Bikini

Nina Dobrev bikini

“Vampire Diaries” star Nina Dobrev was caught dyking out while in a thong bikini in the photos below.

Nina Dobrev and her lesboqueer friends, Ryan Seacrest ex-beard Julianne Hough in pink and Ragina Ricker in black, were photographed on Miami Beach partaking in common lesbian sex acts like holding hands and checking each other for ticks.

These heathen sexual deviants then probably all retreated to their hotel room to strip out of their bikinis and eagerly tongue each other’s moist sin holes. A sickening image that disturbs the mind and upsets the digestion of us true pious Muslims.


Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev
Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev
Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev
Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev
Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev Nina Dobrev

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