Josie Canseco Flashes Her Nude Tits

Josie Canseco nude

Model Josie Canseco “accidentally” flashes her nude tits while topless in the video clip below.

Of course Josie is the fruit of the steroids riddled shriveled up ball sack of famed baseball player Jose Canseco, so it is certainly not surprising to see that she is a raunchy roid raging Jezebel.

Josie Canseco tits ass

However with that said, Josie’s thoroughbred breasts and butt make her a sufficient slut who is worthy of serving as a concubine in the harems of us virile Muslim men… And if she is as good as her father at having balls bounce off of her head, there is a spot waiting for her in my personal whore lineup… Provided of course that she bring her “bash sister” Marcy McGwire along with her to bat cleanup.

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