Jordyn Jones’ Ass Cheeks For The Summer

Jordyn Jones ass bikini

As you can see in the photos below, social media star and aspiring singer Jordyn Jones has been putting her tight round ass cheeks on display in various thong bikinis all summer long.


Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones
Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones Jordyn Jones

It is easy to see from these pics why Jordyn Jones is considered an “influencer”, as her social media certainly influences us pious Muslims into doubling our efforts to defeat and destroy the infidel Western world. For the only thing that infuriates us more than the sight of blasphemous bare female flesh is quality booty meat being squandered and allowed to spoil like this.

Yes, Jordyn Jones’ butt belongs either behind a burka or bent over getting banged by a virile Muslim man… And so until Jordyn’s cheeks are getting smashed into by the hairy gut of her powerful Muslim master, they will continue to serve as a testament to the decadence and decay that the West has inflicted upon the world.

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