Jessica Alba Shows Butt Crack, Enjoys Anal

Jessica Alba butt crack

Jessica Alba revealed some serious butt cleavage yesterday while taking her son Big Mistake Alba for a stroll.

What is newsworthy about this picture, besides the fact that it is Jessica Alba’s butt crack, is that Jessica has a bow tattooed directly above her ass.

If a bow tattoo directly above a girl’s ass doesn’t say “I love anal” I don’t know what does. The only tattoo that would have been less subtle would be a giant arrow that says “Insert Here!”.

Not only does Jessica Alba do anal, but to go through the effort of getting a tattoo about it means she absolute loves it. That causes one to wonder how she was able to get pregnant in the first place. I’m not saying her baby is the result of anal seepage for sure, but it definitely makes one wonder.

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