Jessica Alba Creeps On Kids At The Park

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba creepily photographs small children on her cell phone while at the park in the photos below.

These Jessica Alba photos perfectly illustrate the hypocrisy and sexist double standards prevalent in the infidel West. Why is that Jessica can photograph these kids with her sex organs hanging out of her tight jeans and loose top, yet when a virile Muslim man like myself goes to the park and snaps some pics with his righteous man satchel hanging out the bottom of his tunic all of a sudden he is a “registered sex offender”?

Clearly something is not right here. It is only fair that Jessica Alba also be punished for creeping on these kids… I’ve heard 6 months in county jail, 2 years probation, and a restraining order is the standard sentence these days.


Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba Jessica Alba Jessica Alba
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