Jennifer Love Hewitt Was Hot, Then Wasn’t, Now Is Again

Demonstrating that she is an actual human being capable of gaining and losing weight over the course of her lifetime, Love Hewitt and the rest of America are breathing easy knowing that she is, in fact, hot again.

It’s estimated that her current hotness level has actually matched her all-time high (1996 during the “Party of Five” years). This accomplishment is made all the more impressive when viewed in the context of her horrible un-hotness three years ago when she was photographed with cellulite.

Jennifer credits her dramatic turnaround to being a girl with tons of money that can afford lots of plastic surgery, nice clothes, healthy food, and personal trainers. Also, she may or may not have a hotter twin sister that she gets to fill in for her sometimes, a la “The Prestige.” (Retroactive spoiler alert!)

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