Heidi Klum, Courtney Love, & Chelsea Handler Launch Topless Ocular Assault

Heidi Klum topless

My fellow Celeb Jihadist, today is a day that will live in infamy. For Islam has been deliberately and viciously attacked by the floppy old lady celebrity tits of Heidi Klum, Courtney Love, and Chelsea Handler.

This “Sagocaust” was premeditated by the Zionists under the code name “#FreeTheNipple”, and started with worn out model and mudshark Heidi Klum being photographed topless while vacationing in St Barts.

Chelsea Handler topless

The attack then quickly escalated as washed up comedian and TV host Chelsea Handler posted this photo of her sloppy milk sacks to her Instagram account.

Of course nothing could of prepared us for what happened next, as former “rock star” Courtney Love then went on her Instagram and inflicted us with the monsterous topless photo of herself below.

Courtney Love topless

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this most heinous of titty sneak attacks, I am confident that us Muslim people in our righteous might and unbounding determination will recover and gain the inevitable triumph. May Allah give us strength in our time of need.

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