Models Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid renew their slutty sibling rivalry by flaunting their asses in thong bikinis while vacationing together in Greece in the candid photos below.
First up we have older sister Gigi Hadid who displays her frumpy flabby fanny in a blue and white polka dot thong bikini in the photos above. In response, younger sister Bella Hadid put on a tiny string bikini while walking around aimlessly photographing trees in the pics below.
Of course the clear winner of this booty battle is Bella. For even though her rump is smaller and weaker, it has an insatiable appetite as it easily eats up her bikini bottom pulling it deep into her anal cavity. Certainly Bella is what is known as a “backdoor beauty”, who is no stranger to getting her rectum wrecked.
Gigi Hadid vs. Bella Hadid: Sister Ass Battle was last modified: July 29th, 2019 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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