Erika Eleniak Nude Ultimate Compilation

Erika Eleniak nude

Below we have compiled the ultimate collection of model and actress Erika Eleniak’s best nude moments from her illustriously depraved career… And what better way to start it off than with Erika’s iconic nude stripping scene from “Under Siege” remastered and enhanced in the video clip below.

Of course gobbling on Steven Seagal’s nut sack to land a role in his movie wasn’t Erika Eleniak’s only claim to fame, as she also repeatedly appeared in Playboy magazine (as you can see in the gallery of her nude photos below) and was Playmate of the month for July 1989.


Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak
Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak Erika Eleniak

After posing naked in Playboy, Erika would then go on to more subtle slutting on the hit TV series “Baywatch”…

Until she eventually aged out of being a sex symbol, and gracefully faded from the public spotlight never to be heard from again… An example that more heathen Hollywood harlots should follow.

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