Emmy Rossum Pussy Slip On “Shameless”

Emmy Rossum pussy

Emmy Rossum slips her sinfully smooth pussy lips out of her panties while climbing out of bed on the TV series “Shameless” in the video clip below.

Of course Emmy’s labia wouldn’t be out flapping in the breeze if she had worn a sleep burka like a proper pious woman. If Emmy insists on dressing like such a brazen whore while sleeping then at the very least she should have her dangling piss flaps cut off with a sharpened scimitar, for she clearly can not keep them under control.

Emmy Rossum topless nude

Yes, Emmy has certainly lived up to the title of this “Shameless” series, for she has exposed her nude titties on numerous occasions and now with this pussy slip we are one butthole shot away from the full whore trifecta… Let us pray that the show is cancelled before Emmy gets an opportunity to spread open her ass cheeks.

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