Emma Stone Snapchat Sideboob

Emma Stone sideboob

Emma Stone flaunts her pasty sideboob on her friend’s Snapchat in the photo above.

Normally an A-list Hollywood star like Emma Stone would be above whoring her sex organs for attention on social media, but this year Emma is up for the “Best Actress” Oscar for her role in “La La Land” so she needs all the buzz that she can get.

Sadly for Emma her efforts are in vain for not only is she white but she is ghostly white, so there is no way in hell that liberal Hollywood is going to allow her to win. In fact I’d wager my finest war camel that the winner will be some multiracial mongrel who portrayed an illegal Mexican immigrant who has a late term abortion.

Yes the only thing Emma Stone is going to get for displaying her pale ginger tits in slutty dresses is a swift and brutal lapidation courtesy of us righteous Muslim men.

Emma Stone sideboob

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