Emma Stone Lifts Up Her Dress And Exposes Her Panties At The Oscars

Emma Stone Oscars panties

What is a girl to do if she is not even talented enough to win “Best Supporting Actress” at the Academy Awards? Well if that girl is saucy redheaded minx Emma Stone, she tries to steal the spotlight by brazenly lifting up her dress and exposing her tight flesh colored panties.

Emma Stone Oscars panties

As you can see on closer inspection of this photo, Emma Stone’s little mound appears to greedily sucking in on her panties forming what is known in the West as a “camel toe”.

Of course this is an insult to the noble camel, as Emma Stone’s camel toe probably smells much worse then the real thing, and it is almost certainly infected with herpes. Not to mention if us Muslims saw a camel with toes that looked as busted as Emma’s pantie covered lady lips we’d quickly put it out of its misery with a bullet to its head.

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