Elizabeth Hurley Nude Scene From “The Weight of Water”

The video above features Elizabeth Hurley topless fondling her body in a nude scene from the film “The Weight of Water”.

It is hard to believe but Elizabeth Hurley is 52-years-old! Not because she looks good for her age of course (for us Muslims find any woman over the age of 18 to be a disgusting old hag), but rather because Elizabeth managed to live this long without falling under the stones of justice.

Elizabeth Hurley thong

For as you can see in these private bedroom photos (no doubt taken by one of Elizabeth’s nurses between the changing of her bedpan), to this day Elizabeth continues to brazenly defy the will of Allah by flaunting her sinful female body.

Elizabeth Hurley

Let us pray that Elizabeth’s days are numbered, for if by the time she turns 60 she is still prostituting her degenerate geriatric ass and saggy grandma titties my pious Muslim eyes won’t be able to take it and will no doubt go blind out of righteous indignation.

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