Elizabeth Berkley Nude Scenes From “Showgirls”

Elizabeth Berkley nude Showgirls

For this week’s “Throwback Thursday” we present the ultimate compilation of Elizabeth Berkley’s nude scenes from the (in)famously depraved 1995 film “Showgirls” in the video below.

As you can see, not only are these nude scenes Elizabeth Berkley’s greatest acting achievement (narrowly edging out the “Saved By The Bell” episode in which she gets hooked on caffeine pills), but they are also some of the best ever filmed in heathen Hollywood…

Elizabeth Berkley nude Showgirls

For not only does Elizabeth brilliantly capture what it is like to be a struggling gutter skank showgirl in the sleazy sin city of Las Vegas, but she uses every bit of her being from her erect tit toppers to dangling pussy piss flaps to really draw the audience in… Truly a master class in thespian thottery.

How that year’s best actress Oscar could go to Susan Sarandon instead of Elizabeth boggles the mind… Especially since Susan didn’t even show her sin slit once in “Dead Man Walking”.

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