Dirke Altevogt Nude Scenes From “Madame Claude 2” Enhanced

Dirke Altevogt nude

For this week’s Throwback Thursday we take a look back at Dirke Altevogt’s nude scenes from the 1981 film “Madame Claude 2” which we have color-corrected and enhanced in the video below.

As you can see, back in her heyday Dirke could certainly get the dickie from us virile Muslim men… For not only were her breasts pleasingly small like a girl of a proper breeding age, but she was well-trained as she even bent over for a foppish homofag Englishman without any resistance.

Yes instead of starring in depraved films such as this one, Dirke could of had her tiny titties fondled through the fabric of a thick wool burka by some of the Muslim greats of the early 1980’s like a US funded (back in those days) Osama or Saddam… Who knows maybe even the great Ayatollah Khomeini himself would have done her the honor of holding her sex holes hostage.

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