The Best Of Daniela Lopez Osorio

Daniela Lopez Osorio is an up and coming model who many have described as a better version of Miranda Kerr, which as you can see in the best of bikini runway compilation video above is a completely justified comparison.

I am happy to announce that all of Daniela Lopez Osorio’s hard work on the runway has paid off, as I have decided to do her the unbelievable honor of making her the 8th Mrs. Durka Durka Mohammed, or as I will affectionately call her “Number 8”. As we speak my envoy is riding his camel West, and making his way to Spain or whatever Mexican state she is from to purchase Daniela from her owner/father.

Soon Daniela Lopez Osorio’s tight perfectly symmetrical ass will be getting plowed down and dirty as she tills my weeds… if you catch my drift *wink *wink. So enjoy these pictures of Daniela’s beautiful booty below for soon it will forever be hidden away under the burka just as Allah intended.


Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio
Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio
Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio
Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio Daniela Lopez Osorio

Here is a bonus Daniela Lopez Osorio video in which you can briefly see her topless. Rest assured that a litter of my hungry future Jihadists offspring will be suckling her teats raw.

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